
Friday, September 16, 2011

Pinwheels for Peace- Part 1

Every year I read about Pinwheels for Peace and want to participate.
In the past it has been a struggle because of the 6 day rotation.  This year I was determined to make it work!  So all of my students are participating in this amazing international project.

I invited our guidance counselor to join me in this lesson because she is always talking with the students about being a 'bucket filler',  having good manners and how to handle your emotions. 

Pinwheels for Peace started seven years ago in Florida and has since grown to be an international project with millions of participants. It is a fantastic way of promoting peace within our schools and is a good way to start the year.

The idea is rather simple: take a square piece of paper and create a design on one side.  We asked our students to write their thoughts and ideas on how they can promote peace or be a bucket filler on the back of their pinwheel.  Then I put them together.

On International Peace Day we will go outside into our school yard and 'plant' our pinwheels (weather permitting). This is our public statement about peace and bucket filling.  We hope the spinning pinwheels will be a reminder of what it means to be a bucket filler and promote a peaceful and safe environment within our school and community.

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